Diferencia entre revisiones de «Día de la Traición»

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The '''Day of Recreance''' was the final act of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They abandoned their [[Shardblade]]s and left their duties. For a long time it was unknown why this happened, but after the key to Dawnchant was deciphered, it was revealed that the Recreance occurred because the Knights discovered that the Listeners where not, in fact, the original Voidbringer's, invading the human lands, but that the humans were the Voidbringers, who had invaded Roshar, and destroyed its native inhabitants, the Dawnsingers, or Listeners. When the Knights found out that the humans had invaded Roshar because they destroyed their previous home with surgebinding, and that Honor had been hiding this from them, they renounced their vows and unbound their Nahel Bonds in an attempt to preserve this world.