Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cosmere»

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I think the given citations are sufficient here to not have this tag here
(→‎Chronological Order: - Not sure if this should be here, but it see spectacle)
(I think the given citations are sufficient here to not have this tag here)
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=== Chronological Order ===
Brandon has been somewhat evasive about the order of cosmere stories, so that the timelines remains flexible for future books that he writes.{{wob ref|10273}} He has estimated that there are roughly 6000 years between the Shattering and the breaking of the [[Oathpact]], with the latter event still predating ''White Sand''.{{wob ref|3842}}{{wob ref|1355}} Although this figure is non-canonical and subject to change, Brandon has also stated that the books have mostly been released chronologically, which allows a rough timeline to be constructed:{{wob ref|10502}}
* ''[[Dragonsteel]]'' series{{wob ref|10502}}