Diferencia entre revisiones de «Catacendro»

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m (No, this one does span eras, I'm an idiot.)
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m (Correct link to disambig)
The primary repercussion of the Final Ascension was the reforming of Scadrial. The two Shards, working in harmony together, were able to reform Scadrial back to a nearly identical world as it was like before the Lord Ruler's [[Ascension]]. Sazed had the ability to do this better than most, because of his duties as a [[Keeper]] and thus the knowledge stored in his [[metalmind]]s, which he tapped as he drew in the power of Harmony. The religions he'd studied and rejected due to inconsistencies each held some truths about the past world, including cartography, geology, astronomy, anatomy, zoology, and artwork depicting the world's beauty.{{book ref|mb3|82}} The main exception was the region of [[Elendel Basin]], which replaced the area where Hathsin once was and was designed to be a fertile cradle for civilization's renewal.{{book ref|mb4}}
In addition to correcting the position of the planet and reforming the landmasses, he returned the various lifeforms which had been lost and restored Humanity's physiology to how it had been, before they had needed to survive ashfalls and had been transformed by [[Rashek]] into altered [[skaa]] and [[noble|nobility]]. He moved all of the survivors, who had moved underground for protection, to the new location of Elendel Basin, and left behind the [[Words of Founding]], books chronicling the events ofleading [[Mistbornup Erato 1]]the Catacendre to be remembered by the population as well as a collection retaining the complete knowledge that had been collected by the Keepers.{{book ref|mb3|82}}{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}}
At Sliver Kelsier's behest, he endowed [[Spook]] with the abilities of a moderately powerful [[Allomancy|Mistborn]]. Unable to restore to life those that had passed on, he left the restored bodies of Vin and Elend for the survivors to honor. He also left Spook a cryptic message suggesting that there were two Allomantic metals that were yet to be discovered.{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}} In the centuries that passed, an additional four metals, [[nicrosil]], [[chromium]], [[cadmium]], and [[bendalloy]], were found to have [[Allomantic]] and [[Feruchemical]] attributes.
== Trivia ==