Diferencia entre revisiones de «Azir»

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=== True Desolation ===
Like everywhere else, the Azish [[Parshmen]] awoke following the arrival of the [[Everstorm]]. Initially, they followed the example of their former masters and, ratherinstead thanof makegoing to war onwith themthe government, sued the governmentit for back pay. The Azish began negotiations, though they had no intention of giving in - rather, they sought to buy enough time to fortify their cities.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
At the same time, theyAzimir werewas inexchanging talksmessages with [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s buddying coalition in [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|12}} With [[Sadees]]' conquests still a sore memory, they were initially unwilling to allow the Alethi armies into their city, or unlock their [[Oathgate]].{{book ref|sa3|28}} However, after the talks with the [[singer]]s fell through, they finally agreed, and ended up joining the coalition.{{book ref|sa3|64}} The failure with the singers might've been caused by the arrival of the [[Fused]], who organized them into an army and took them south, to [[Marat]], in preparation for the attack on [[Thaylen City]].{{book ref|sa3|107}}
When the coalition leaders assumed that the [[Voidbringer]]s would attack [[Jah Keved]], the Azish agreed to send five batallions of their troops there to aid in repelling the attack.{{book ref|sa3|96}} Later, when Thaylen City was pinpointed as the sitetrue ofbattle the attacksite, they moved their fleet to the nearby shores to intercept the Voidbringer forces.{{book ref|sa3|111}} However, following the translation of the [[Eila Stele]] and the revelations it spurred, theythe Azish backed offout along with their ships. Their resolve to abandon the others was only strenghtened when they saw the Alethi attack the Thaylens - the influence of [[Nergaoul]] on [[Amaram]]'s forces, though the Azish did not know that at the time.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
After the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], Dalinar explained to them via [[spanreed]] what truly happened. The Azish were willing to renegotiate their participation in the alliance, though only if Dalinar was able to prove that he could control his troops.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
Editors, Keepers
