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Mundo de origen Primero del Sol

Aviar are a class of bird on First of the Sun native to the Pantheon archipelago.[1] Aviar is a term the Eelakin use for any bird that has magical powers and is capable of sharing those powers with humans.

Source of Powers

These birds have gained magical powers on account of consuming worms native to the islands while very young. Each power is different for species of bird. Kokerlii has the ability to conceal his mind and those of others around him from beasts that hunt by seeking out minds. Sixth of the Dusk raised a non-native bird on the isles, Sak, and found that she also developed powers.

Aviar birds raised outside the Pantheon do not develop these unique powers.

Aviar and power

Sixth of the Dusk's cognitive disguise Aviar. He has the ability to conceal his mind and those of others around him from beasts that hunt by seeking out minds.
Vathi's cognitive disguise Aviar. He has the ability to conceal his mind and those of others around him from beasts that hunt by seeking out minds.
One of the Aviar Dusk is raising.
A non-native bird raised on the isles. She is able to show the person bonded to her possible places they could die. This manifests as an illusion of their dead body.

It has been hinted at that there are many other magical properties that were not mentioned. The magical abilities/species of birds has been well documented by the Mainlanders and there has not been a new type of Aviar discovered for over 100 years.


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