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m (I haven't given up. Yet...)
(No. the pits are vulnerable because pushing and pulling breaks the crystals.)
Allomancy is a End-Positive{{ref|b|mb4|ars}} magic system--meaning energy is gained in the process of its use. It is of the [[Shard]] [[Preservation]].{{ref|b|mb3|e|32}} Energy does not come from one's own body, as happens in [[Feruchemy]], but from Preservation himself.
Metal is not the source of Allomancy's power.{{ref|annotation|mb3|38}} Rather, metal is what is called a [[focus]]--a necessary component to a manifestation of [[Investiture]] (magic system), but not the source of the power itself. When an Allomancer burns a metal, that metal specific molecular structure acts as a conduit to Preservation, and then the Allomancer is granted an ability corresponding to the metal, hence the metal "focuses" Preservation's power to the user. Each metal is the only way a mortal can access Preservation and the power of creation's power.{{ref|?|727|45|Allomancy is fueled by Preservation's body?}} Afterwards, the metal is vaporized.{{ref|?|618|61|When non-god metals are burned Allomantically, what happens to the metals?}} This is true for the base sixteen Allomantic metals. However, the god metals, lerasium and atium, are the sources of power themselves. Burning atium, being [[Ruin]]'s body, means the Allomancer is not accessing Preservation in any way in that process.{{ref|b|mb3|e|78}} It is thought that the reason using Allomancy in the Pits of Hathsin destroyed the atium geodes there is because Allomancy, being of Preservation, is fundamentally opposite of atium, which is of Ruin.
It may be quite unclear that Allomancy is of Preservation. After all, Pushing and Pulling on metals isn’t an effect that "preserves," so to speak. However, it is important to know that saying "Allomancy is of Preservation" has a very specific meaning: the way an Allomancer ''accesses'' the power is of Preservation, but the actual effect of the power is unrelated to Preservation.{{ref|?|622|107|How is Allomancy of Preservation?}} This is a fundamental difference between Allomancy and Feruchemy. In Feruchemy, its power comes from your own energy, but Allomancy is of Preservation. The act of burning a metal--accessing the power of Preservation--must be in line with the [[intent]] of Preservation. So burning a metal needs to "preserve" one's own energy, and so the power must come from the external source of Preservation's body.