Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alezkar»

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== Geography ==
Located in eastern [[Roshar]], Alethkar was more exposed to the Highstorms than many lands further east. Important geographical features included the [[Sunmaker mountainsMountains]], the [[Sea of Spears]], and the [[Windrunner River|Windrunner]] and [[Deathbend RiversRiver]]s.
== History ==
Under this system, the ten [[Highprince]]s acted as Kings of their own lands, with no unifying government. In approximately 1158, [[Gavilar Kholin]] sought to conquer and unite the Highprinces, which he achieved by about 1163. He was then crowned King and his brother [[Dalinar Kholin]] became Highprince to the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] Princedom.
When Gavilar was assassinated by the [[Parshendi]] in 1167, his son [[Elhokar Kholin]] became King and declared war on the Parshendi. Each of the Highprinces joined the [[Vengeance Pact]], and they went to the [[Shattered Plains]] to besiege the Parshendi in the [[War of Reckoning]]. The siege took much longer than was expected, and was still active by 1173.
== Culture ==