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[[File:Chasmfiend.jpeg|300px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Ben McSweeney]]</small></center>[[Shallan]]'s sketch of a chasmfiend]]
Chasmfiends are the largest known land animals on [[Roshar]]: at least twenty feet wide, six times the height of an adult man at their peak, and over twice as long.{{book ref|sa2|72}}{{file ref|name="journal"}} They are long and narrow, with a flattened, split tail reminescent of that of a crayfish.{{file ref|name=journal}} Like most of Rosharan fauna, they're crustaceans, with a carapace exoskeleton covering their entire body. TheSaid carapace is dark violet (though it's possible that other colors can also occur), and extremely durable, being able to withstand even a hail of arrows.{{book ref|sa1|13}} It covers the beast's back in a series of interlocking, upside-down-V-shaped plates with horn-like protrusions growing on the edges.{{file ref|name=journal}} Beneath it, the chasmfiend's blood and gore is purple, and smells of mold.{{book ref|sa1|13}} The meat is edible for both humans and native fauna.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Below the armor, a chasmfiend has eighteen legs. Four foreclaws are set into broad shoulders, with two clawed toes on each of them. They serve as the primary means of attack, both smashing and slicing the chasmfiend's prey.{{book ref|sa1|13}} Behind them, fourteen smaller limbs provide locomotion. A chasmfiend can move extremely fast when it so desires, and has the agility to turn around in the narrow corridors of the chasms.{{book ref|sa2|71}}
AThe chasmfiend's head is triangular, narrowing down to a point like an arrowhead.{{book ref|sa2|70}} Inside the long jaw, itsit mouthhas isa circular mouth, surrounded by several rings of sharpteeth. There are several types of teeth present, from sharp fangs and flat molars to small mandibles that shove the food further down the throat.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Flanking itthe mouth is a pair of smaller mandiblesforeclaws, which the chasmfiend can use to manipulate objects and pick up food.{{file ref|name=journal}} TheChasmfiend mouthare allowscapable theof chasmfiend to vocalizevocalizing; itthey makesmake roars that sounds like four bellowing trumpets playing at the same time. The chasmfiend's eyes, set above the jaw, are glassy and green.{{book ref|sa2|70}} Its nostrilsNostrils are located slightly behindat the eyes;very theyend allowof the chasmfiendmaw, towhile smellthe itsears preyare bare holes slightly behind the eyes.{{file ref|name=journal}}
=== Gemheart and spren bonds ===
Like every [[greatshell]], chasmfiends have a [[gemheart]] growing inside of them. The chasmfiend gemhearts seem to always be emeralds, and are noted as particularly enormous.{{book ref|sa3|35}}{{book ref|sa1|40}} Those gemhearts are likely what allows the chasmfiends to bond with [[mandra]]s;, a type of [[spren]] connected to gravity.{{book ref|sa3|99}} The bond is thea crucial factor in allowing the chasmfiend to grow to its enormous size.{{wob ref|1227}} It reduces the chasmfiend's weight, keeping it from crushing itself; as such, from a mathematical standpoint, a chasmfiendchasmfiends fliesfly, or at least floatsfloat.{{book ref|sa3|99}} Any creature attempting to mimic a chasmfiend, such as a [[kandra]], would require a way to mimiccreate or substitute that bond to survive.{{wob ref|3794}}
The mandras leave the chamsfiend's body in the hours immediately after its death. They look somewhat unlike themselves as they return to [[Shadesmar]], beintbeing often mistaken for tongues of smoke.{{book ref|sa1|13}}
== Ecology ==
Editors, Keepers
