Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

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;Plot Summary
:''Tanatabach 1173''
Shallan sits in her cabin on the Wind's Pleasure reading a book written by Jasnah about [[Vorinism]] and the [[Recreance]] and its effect on the documentation of history, such as the existence of Shadesmar. While studying, Pattern shows up again, this time on the cabin wall, vanishing when she looks directly at it. Shallan notes the similarity between Pattern and the symbol headed creatures she had seen previously. She immediately attempts to sketch the pattern, drawing many creationspren, though she found it difficult to capture the precise pattern. When finished, the pattern seems to leave the paper and move to the floor. Jasnah comes to Shallan's room just as Shallan leaves to find her. Shallan catches a glimpse of what Jasnah explains to her is her own spren, just as she tells Shallan that the pattern is Shallan's spren, a Cryptic. Jasnah explains about the [[Knights Radiant]] and the Orders, explaining that their Soulcasting is a shared surge, but that their Orders are not the same, judging by their different spren. A lengthy discussion of sprens'the nature of spren and Jasnah's opinions of the [[Almighty]] and the [[Herald]]s follows.
