Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Abismo»

65 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
+place +notes
m (+place +notes)
'''The Chasm''' is a minor geographical feature of the planet [[Sel]].
'''The Chasm''' iswas a minor geographical feature of the planet [[Sel]].
Caused by an earthquake, it played a significant role in causing the [[Reod]] and disruptingdisrupted the magical system of [[AonDor]].
== Speculation ==
It is speculated that the earthquake was caused by [[Odium]]'s visit to Sel, either directly by his action or caused by his killing of the [[Shardholder]]s on Sel, [[Aona]] and [[Skai]].
== Notes ==
<references />
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
40 275
