Diferencia entre revisiones de «Discusión:Alomancia»

2. I have a problem with classifying lerasium as an internal metal. Atium and lerasium do not receive internal and external classifications on the post-Hero of Ages Table of Allomantic Metals. You can't even make the argument that their alloys follow those classifications. All we know is that atium alloys grant "expanded mental and temporal effects" and lerasium alloys grant "expanded physical and enhancement effects" (facts which are both not present in the article, conveniently). Nothing about internal and external. After all, atium's location in the Hero of Ages Table of Allomantic Metals is wrong anyway, so we should not take that "external" classification seriously. I strongly think that god metals break such convenient classifications, and it is a mistake that this article attempts to classify them.
(Also, we need to add that we do, in fact, know what lerasium's true ability is, though we'll mention that it can alter Spiritual DNA as well. We have quotes on both of these facts) -- Chaos
==Making this article suck less==
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
11 554
