Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ciudad Thaylen»

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(RIP exemplary, but not many mentions)
=== Landmarks ===
{{image|Diplomat by LaMaery.jpg|side=right|width=450px|A view of the city from above}}
==== The Oathgate ====
==== Temples ====
{{image|Renarin seeing the future.jpg|Renarin seeing the future in the temple of Pailiah|side=right|width=350px}}
Like most largest cities, Thaylenah has ten major temples, each dedicated to one of the [[Herald]]s. The temples are all located in the Royal Ward, and when visiting Thaylen, it's traditional to see all of them, which allows the local ruler to show off both the city and its piety. During the True Desolation, the temples are instead used as makeshift hospitals and shelters for people injured and displaced in the Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
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