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Mundo Primero del Sol

The Pantheon is an archipelago of more than forty islands on the minor Shard world of First of the Sun. The islands of the Pantheon are at least three weeks travel from the Eelakin homeisles.[1]


These islands unlike the Homeisles are only inhabited by a small number nomadic trappers who maintain small hidden and booby trapped camps.


The islands are host to a number of exotic species,one of which is a group of birds called Aviar who host a magical parasite, which gives them unique powers, most notable of these powers is the ability to Conceal peoples minds from Predators who are able to locate creatures by sensing their minds.



Known Islands

the largest of the islands, and the ruler of the pantheon.
the smallest of the islands, and closest to the homeisles, she is loved and protected by all the islands. She is used as a training ground for Eelakin trappers.


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