Diferencia entre revisiones de «Pahn Kahl»

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=== Failed Rebellions ===
''See also [[{{for|Vahr]]|post= and the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]]''}}
You’re| You're from Pahn Kahl, yet everyone always just assumes that your people are Hallandren. The Pahn Kahl people were here first, in this land, but it was taken from you. Now you’reyou're just another province, part of the kingdom of your conquerors.
| Siri to Bluefingers{{book ref|wb|54}}
You’re from Pahn Kahl, yet everyone always just assumes that your people are Hallandren. The Pahn Kahl people were here first, in this land, but it was taken from you. Now you’re just another province, part of the kingdom of your conquerors.
|Siri to Bluefingers{{book ref|wb|54}}
Despite their defeat, the Pahn Kahl were not content to remain subjugated beneath the rule of Hallandren. Approximately three hundred years after the defeat of the Pahn Unity, around the year 321,{{file ref|T-Telir.png|Map of T'Telir}} a Pahn Kahl man named Vahr began to foment rebellion among the Pahn Kahl dye workers{{book ref|wb|prologue}} and dissidents.{{book ref|wb|1}} He convinced many of them to give him their [[Breath]] and began to assemble an army.{{book ref|wb|1}} Little to Vahr's knowledge, a second group of Pahn Kahl, led by the God King [[Susebron]]'s steward, Haverseth, were also independently plotting a rebellion.{{book ref|wb|54}} Haverseth, also known as Bluefingers, felt that Vahr's rebellion was drawing too much attention to the Pahn Kahl people and its other enemies.{{book ref|wb|1}} Bluefingers leaked information about Vahr into the [[Court of the Gods]] resulting in the destruction of his rebellion and Vahr's capture.{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=34}}
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