Diferencia entre revisiones de «Largorraíz»

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Longroots are, as their name suggests, a type of long tuber that contains a sticky sap.{{book ref|sa1|37}} They grow in cracks in the rock where stormwater collects and taste of minerals. As a result, longroots are covered in [[crem]] from the [[highstorm]]s.
Longroots are cheap, and after they are peeled they can be stewed for eating.{{book ref|sa1|37}} When [[Kaladin]]'s family is struggling to get by due to [[Roshone]], they eat longroots which are often donated secretly by the townspeople of [[Hearthstone]]. [[Hesina]] and [[Kaladin]] talk about the [[spren]] of the longroot while the peel some.{{book ref|sa1|37}}
[[Drehy]] throws some stewed longroot at [[Lopen]] after a joke about his readiness.{{book ref|sa2|41}}
[[Lift]] eats some longroot whist chasing [[Nale]] to save the [[Stump]].{{book ref|Edgedancer|19}}
[[Kaladin]] takes some sacks of longroots and some [[lavis]] from the bunker owner where he hides the [[parsh]] from a storm on their way to [[Revolar]].{{book ref|sa3|23}}
[[Lunamor]] cooks some longroot in the stew he makes in [[Narak]].{{book ref|sa3|37}}
[[Veil]] and her crew steal some sausages, longroot and grain from [[Rockfall]].{{book ref|sa3|72}}
== Notes ==
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[[Category: Food]]
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