Diferencia entre revisiones de «Aleación de ley»

39 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
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(bendalloy speeds up time in the bubble so that more time happen in it then the outside.)
'''The Alloy of Law''' is the first in a planned trilogy of novels set on the same planet as the [[Mistborn trilogy]], but takes place 300 years later. The events from the [[Mistborn trilogy]] are now legend, history, and religion.
The events from the [[Mistborn trilogy]] are now legend, history, and religion.
The book follows [[Waxillium Ladrian]], a descendant of [[Breeze]], a former policeman from the wild [[Roughs]] who ends up in charge of the Ladrian house in [[Elendel]]. He is a [[Twinborn]] who can Push on metal, and store weight in Iron.
He is a [[Twinborn]] who can Push on metal, and store weight in Iron.
Other characters that we know of at this time are [[Wayne]], another [[Twinborn]] who can store health in Gold and burn [[Bendalloy]] to speed up time in a bubble.
*Fall 2011 from Tor Books<ref>[http://us.macmillan.com/thealloyoflaw Macmillan]</ref>.
*Complex Chinese rights to Fantasy Foundation
*French rights to Orbit France
*German rights to Heyne
*UK rights to Gollancz<ref>[[http://awfulagent.com/jabclients/sanderson Awful Agent page]</ref>
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