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28 bytes eliminados ,  hace 12 años
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{{metal|Iron | Pulls metal | Stores weight | Steals strength }}
{{metal|Steel | Pushes metal | Stores speed | Steals physicalPhysical Allomancy }}
{{metal|Tin | Improves senses | Stores improved senses | Steals senses }}
{{metal|Pewter | Improves strength | Stores strength | Steals physicalPhysical Feruchemy }}
{{metal|Zinc | Riots emotion | Stores mental speed | Steals emotional fortitude }}
{{metal|Brass | Soothes emotion | Stores warmth | Steals mentalMental Feruchemy }}
{{metal|Copper | Hides Allomancy | Stores memories | Steals mental fortitude }}
{{metal|Bronze | Can sense Allomancy | Stores wakefulness | Steals mentalMental Allomancy }}
}}{{MetalsTable|title=Higher Metals|1=
{{metal|Cadmium | Stretches/slows time }}
{{metal|Bendalloy | Compresses/hastens time }}
{{metal|Gold | Shows the burner's past | Stores health | Steals temporal Feruchemy }}
{{metal|Electrum | Shows the burner's future }}
{{metal|Chromium | Removes another's metals }}
{{metal|Nicrosil | Flares another's metals }}
{{metal|Aluminum | Removes one's metals | 4 = Steals enhancementEnhancement Allomancy }}
{{metal|Duralumin | Flares one's metals }}