Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Brazales de Duelo (libro)»

one typo
m (→‎Chapter 4: fixed red link Bloodmaker, changed it to Gold)
m (one typo)
=== Chapter 14 ===
Marasi and Wayne hide in the grave in a speed bubble. Wayne has been shot four times and takes some time to heal. The gunman, presumably from the Set, are firing everything they've got, probably because they know Wayne is a bloodmakerBloodmaker. Wayne drops the bubble, and they wait until the shots stop, then Marasi fires a couple of shots as a diversion. Wayne moves to the other side of the grave and puts up another bubble just as a stick of dynamite comes flying in. He drops it again and they scramble over to a different grave, hoping for the mists and explosion to cover their movement. Wayne then uses a combination of dueling canes and speed bubbles to defeat the gunmen.
Steris is resting in a guest bedroom. The Terris steward watches over her and offers to send for their carriage. The speech is starting. Wax heads out and Steris insists on going along. They start wandering the halls and stare down a servant. Wax is about to scout ahead when Steris offers him a handgun she smuggled in, taped to her thigh. Wax is surprised and impressed.
Editors, Keepers
