Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

Just a grammar and spelling fix
m (Just a grammar fix)
m (Just a grammar and spelling fix)
Wikim slams the door open, telling them that Eylita is in the feast hall, that their father had summoned her. Balat and Wikim rush to find out what is happening. Shallan follows slowly, overwhelmed with panic, but she feels pulled forward. Somehow she knows that this has been coming, that it was inevitable. She collects the pouch of [[blackbane]] that Wikim had given her years ago, and heads downstairs.
Balat is arguing with their father about Eylita. Lin reveals that he knows about their plan to leave. Shallan enters the room and walks along the walls toward the kitchens. She notices something on the floor, blocking the kitchen doors from closing. Lin tells them that Helaran is dead; he died on a battlefield in Alethkar. Shallan reaches the bundle on the floor and realizes it's a body. It is Malise; she'd been killed by several blows to the head. Shallan concludes that he'd discovered the plan, sent for Eylita and waited for her to arrive, and then killed his wife. It was a calculated punishment, not comittedcommitted in a moment of passion. She moves to where servants had left a pitcher of wine with cups.
Balat unsheathes his sword, followed by Lin. They clash brutally, and Lin is able to swat Balat's sword out of his hand. Lin tells them that he's always despised Balat, and of his sons only Helaran wasn't worthless. Shallan hands him a cup of wine, which he gulps down. Balat grabs his sword and tries to stab their father, but hits something metalicmetallic through his coat, which stops the blade. Lin tosses his sword aside and gets an iron poker from the fireplace. He slams it into Balat's leg over and over, berating him about being useless.
Lin's hands start shaking and the poker slips to the ground. Lin is surprised, and he stumbles and falls to his knees, then to his side. Shallan, feeling cold, tells Eylita to bind Balat's wounds, then kneels next to her father. Lin is motionless, staring at the ceiling. After her brothers' initial confusion, Shallan tells them that she poisoned their father by placing the blackbane in his wine. Jushu pulls a [[Soulcasting#Soulcasting_by_the_use_of_a_fabrial|Soulcaster]] out of Lin's pocket, which had apparently been broken while blocking Balat's last strike. Just then, their father starts twitching, and his eyes focus on Shallan. She realizes that the poison has only paralyzed him, and says that they need to finish the job. Everyone else shies away, so she thanks her father for everything he did for her, then wraps her necklace around his neck. She twists the necklace around the handle of a fork for leverage, crying and whispering the lullaby that he'd sung to comfort Shallan in her childhood as he dies.
{{anchor|Chapter 74}}
