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(remove references to mistborn adventure game, add more prominent references to official tables)
== Metals and their abilities ==
Unless otherwise noted, the abilities below are confirmed by the Table of Allomantic Metals,{{file ref|Table_of_Allomantic_Metals.jpeg|Table of Allomantic Metals}} the Table of Feruchemical Metals,{{file ref|Feruchemical_table.jpg|Table of Feruchemical Metals}} and the Table of Hemalurgic Metals.{{file ref|Hemalurgy_table.jpg|Table of Hemalurgic Metals}}
{| width=100% class=infobox
! colspan=4 class=title |Basic Metals
{{/row|Zinc | Riots (Enflames) Emotions | Stores Mental Speed | Steals Emotional Fortitude }}
{{/row|Brass | Soothes (Dampens) Emotions | Stores Warmth | Steals Cognitive Feruchemy }}
{{/row|Copper | Hides Allomantic Pulses | Stores Memories | Steals Mental Fortitude{{book, ref|mag|4}}Memory, and Intelligence|}}
{{/row|Bronze | Allows One to Hear Allomantic Pulses | Stores Wakefulness | Steals Mental Allomancy }}
{{/row|Cadmium | Slows Down Time | Stores Breath | Steals Temporal Allomancy}}
{{/row|Bendalloy | Speeds Up Time | Stores Energy | Steals Spiritual Feruchemy}}
{{/row|Gold | Reveals Your Past Self | Stores Health | Steals Hybrid Feruchemy{{book ref|mag|4}}|}}
{{/row|Electrum | Reveals Your Own Future | Stores Determination | Steals Enhancement Allomancy}}
{{/row|Chromium | Wipes Allomantic Reserves of Target | Stores Fortune | Might steal destiny}}
{{/row|Nicrosil | Enhances Allomantic Burn of Target | Stores Investiture | Steals Investiture {{file ref| Hemalurgy table.jpg | Hemalurgy Table}}|}}
{{/row|Aluminum | Wipes Internal Allomantic Reserves | Stores Identity | Removes all powers {{file ref| Hemalurgy table.jpg | Hemalurgy Table}}|}}
{{/row|Duralumin | Quickly Burns any Burning Metals in Powerful Burst | Stores Connection | Steals Connection and Identity{{book ref|mag|4}}{{book ref|ttm}}|}}
! width=30% | [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic ability]]
{{/row|Atium | See into other people's futures | Stores age | Steals any power or attribute and(must be refined); does so better than any other spike{{wob ref|5971}}}}
{{/row|Lerasium |a={{ref|group=fn|text=Lerasium may also have another allomantic property which is currently unknown}}|Causes the burner to become a Mistborn/Increases allomantic power| Unknown | Steals all abilities}}
! width=30% | [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic ability]]
{{/row|Malatium |a={{ref|group=fn|text=An alloy of Atium and gold, the [[Eleventh Metal]]}}| See into other people's pasts| Unknown; Sazed tried it offscreen but "didn't get very far"{{wob ref|3489}} | Unknown}}
=== Harmonium ===
After contact with the [[Southern Scadrian]]s, a new metal is revealed. Called "[[Ettmetal]]" in their native tongue, the Southern Peoples use it to power their technology. Harmonium burns "with a pure whiteness"{{book ref|mb6|22}} when used in Southern Scadrian machinery, and explodes when it is exposed to water (similar to the [[Wikipedia: Alkali metal|alkali metals]]) making it dangerous if not impossible to ingest for allomantic purposes. Unlike alkali metal reactions, this reaction does not yield a "Harmonium oxide," but it will yield "Somethingsomething else relevant to the Cosmere[[cosmere]]." Harmonium's atomic structure is that of a single element, rather than a compound or alloy. {{wob ref|1663}}
=== Trellium ===
[[Trellium]] is the uncanonical name for the unknown metal seen in [[Shadows of Self]]. It is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust.{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} Its Allomantic and FeruchemicFeruchemical properties are unknown. It can be used Hemalurgically to steal some, if not all, Allomantic and/or FeruchemicFeruchemical abilities and grant them to [[Kandra]].{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} It can also be used on humans to create hemalurgic constructs.{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{wob ref|6261}} Kandra and Hemalurgic constructs with a single spike of Trellium will be hidden from Harmony.{{wob ref|6300}}
=== Shardblade and Shardplate ===
Editors, Keepers
