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(→‎Canton of Inquisition: copied info at steel inquisitor page to steel ministry page)
Organized the Steel Ministry and looked after the religious side of things. This Canton was the main bureaucratic division of the Ministry.{{book ref|mb1|23}}
As the an authority in bureaucratic matters, any mercantile contracts, divorces, weddings, land purchases, inheritances and any other important dealings could only be authorisedauthorized by the Canton of Orthodoxy. It was said if an obligator hadn't witnessed an event or sealed a documents, it might as well not have happened or been written.{{book ref|mb1|23}}
There was a long standing rivalry between the Canton of Orthodoxy and the Canton of Inquisition, for the Canton of Inquisition believed that they should have dominance over the other Cantons. The Canton of Inquisition is eventually given the dominance when they capture Vin and prove that she is [[Tevidian Tekiel]]'s (the Lord Prelan) half-breed daughter, while it was forbidden for Nobles to have illegitimate half-[[skaa]] children.{{book ref|mb1|36}}
==== Canton of Finance ====
The bank of the Final Empire. It was in charged of the financial operations of the Final Empire. Their work included the transport of funds.
The Canton's headquarters was an imposing building. It was tall and blocky with a massive rose window in the front, with two red banners hanging down beside the window, proclaiming praises to the [[Lord Ruler]]. Upon entering the building, one would find a desk at the end of an extended entryway, with an obligator manning the desk. Decorations within the building were sparse and lacking. It was often described as austere, bearing only the most necessary furniture and simple grey carpeting, the walls also lacking adornments. An exception to that rule was the waiting room. With plush chairs and lavish décor, the room clearly catered to the tastes of visiting noblemen. Snacks are also provided for those waiting, small cakes, for instance.{{book ref|mb1|2}}
The national headquarters of the Canton of Resource was in [[Luthadel]] while the [[Western Dominance|Western Dominance's]] regional headquarters was in [[Fadrex City]]{{book ref|mb3|27}} and housed one of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] supply caches.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
Lord [[Aradan Yomen]] is an obligator at the Canton of Resource.{{cite}}
==== Canton of Inquisition ====