Diferencia entre revisiones de «Diagrama (grupo)»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 5 años
(→‎Origin: Added content. Will add citations later)
One day, Taravangian woke up at a level of intelligence so high that he was able to deduce and predict a great number of possibilities to save people from the True Desolation. From this day came what is now known as the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]], a book compiling all his writings on that day of his greatest genius. Being far less intelligent than he was on that fateful day, Taravangian needed help in deciphering and interpreting his own writings, and started collecting an inner circle of trusted people to share this task, as well as to implement plans based on these interpretations.
This group named themselves the '''The Diagram''' after the book.
== Known Members ==
