Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

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Kaladin's enlistment is almost up, but he has already decided to re-up because he can't face his parents for his failure to protect Tien. Kaladin bribes another [[Gare|squadleader]] to transfer a new recruit (Cenn) to his squad. Kaladin wonders why the Alethi fight amongst themselves so much when they also join together to fight against real foreign invaders. He walks by the surgeons to hand over another bribe so his men will receive quick aid on the battlefield. A windspren makes the pouch stick to his belt, making him stumble. He tosses it to [[Ven]], the chief surgeon. When he gets to his squad, Cenn is already there. He looks so much like Tien, Kaladin has to look away. After scanning the battleground and conferring with Dallet, Kaladin's squad charges forward at the horn call.
Kaladin is looking for Cenn in the Battle and spots him in the middle of the enemy. He rushes to the boy's aid and quickly dispatches six opponents. Other members of the squad arrive and surround them while Kaladin bandages Cenn's wounded leg. Kaladin decides to attack a lighteyed officer on a horse, hoping to bring him down and earn on a spot on the Shattered Plains. The officer underestimates his spearmen and is quickly dispatched. [[Toorim]] spots a Shardbearer in golden Shardplate with a majestic Shardblade. The Shardbearer tramples Cenn and kills others of the squad on his way to Amaram. Cenn utters his death rattle and dies. Kaladin and the remaining twenty men of his squad charge after the Shardbearer while everyone else is running away. They fight ferociously but with little effect. The Shardbearer effortlessly cuts them down with sweeps of his blade, killing all but four of the squad. Just as he approaches Amaram, Kaladin attacks again, aiming for the head. His spear is severed by the Shardblade, but he catches the spearhead in mid-air and slams it into the eye slit of the armor, killing the Shardbearer. He refuses to take the blade because that would make him one of "them," a corrupt lighteyes. He tells [[Coreb]] that it's his.
{{anchor|Chapter 48}}