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m (merge shardbearer/shardblade/shardbeplate. ewwwww)
A '''ShardbladeShardblades''' is awere magical weaponweapons of unknown origin which was used by athe [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] in previous epochs. They are currently possessed by various factions and persons acrosson [[Roshar]]. There are an estimated twenty Shardblades held by [[Alethkar]], another twenty for [[Jah Keved]], and approximately another forty spread out among the rest of the world.
Shardblades are much longer than than an average blade (a notable exception being [[Szeth]]'s Shardblade). They are unbreakable and can cut through any non-living material with ease. When a Shardblade encounters living flesh, it severs the creature's soul rather than its body; however, once the creature is killed, the remains interact with the blade like any other non-living material.
After the [[Recreance]] there were an estimated twenty Shardblades held by [[Alethkar]], another twenty for [[Jah Keved]], and approximately another forty spread out among the rest of the world.
The [[Shardbearer]] must wait ten hearbeats (which the [[Shardbearer]] can hear no matter how loud his surroundings) after summoning the Shardblade before it appears. When a Shardblade appears, it forms as is from mist, wet with dew. If the Blade is dropped or put down when the [[Shardbearer]] is still alive, the Shardblade will vanish unless the bearer wills it to remain. However, when the [[Shardbearer]] dies, the Shardblade remains corporeal and may be claimed by another.
Shardblades were much longer than than an average blade (a notable exception being [[Szeth]]'s Shardblade).
They were unbreakable and can cut through any non-living material with ease.
When a Shardblade encounters living flesh, it severs the creature's soul rather than its body;
however, once the creature is killed, the remains interact with the blade like any other non-living material.
= Shardplate=
'''Shardplate''' was ornate armor that covers the entire body and is powered by [[stormlight]], through the use of gemstones located at key points on the armor. Related to [[Shardblade]]s, it is nearly indestructible, though Shardblades or constant attacks against it can eventually break it down whereupon it will need to be recharged and repaired by letting it draw Stormligt from infused gems. People wearing shardplate are gifted with advanced strength and speed, though it is no substitute for skill.
In present times, shardplate is often painted according to the bearer's preference, but when worn by the [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] of old, the 'plate glowed according to the Order they were a part of.
= Shardbearer =
'''Shardbearer''' is a term used to refer to someone who holds a '''Shardblade''' or a suit of '''Shardplate'''.
If someone holds both a [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]], they are considered a "Full Shardbearer."
They must wait ten hearbeats (which the [[Shardbearer]] can hear no matter how loud his surroundings) after summoning the Shardblade before it appears.
When a Shardblade appears, it forms as is from mist, wet with dew.
If the Blade is dropped or put down when the [[Shardbearer]] is still alive, the Shardblade will vanish unless the bearer wills it to remain.
However, when the '''Shardbearer''' dies, the Shardblade remains corporeal and may be claimed by another.
The term "Shardbearer" is not to be confused with "[[Shardholder]]," which refers to someone holding a [[Shard of Adonalsium]].
== Shardbearers ==
* [[Elhokar|King Elhokar]] (Shardblade called ''Sunraiser'')
* [[Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]]<ref name=dalinar group=fn>[[Dalinar|Highprince Dalinar]] traded exchanged ''Oathbringer'' for the lives of [[Sadeas]]' bridgemen at the end of {{bref|TWoK|b=n}}.</ref> (Shardblade called ''Oathbringer'')
* [[Adolin|Brightlord Adolin]]
* [[Shallan|Shallan Davar]]<ref name=shallan group=fn>[[Shallan]] killed her father ton obtain the blade</ref>
* [[Amaram|Brightlord Amaram]]<ref name=kal group=fn>[[Kaladin]] killed the unnamed Veden protecting [[Amaram]], who then took the blade for himself.</ref>
* [[Szeth]]
* An unidentified [[Parshendi]]
=== Former ===
* [[Gavilar|King Gavilar]]<ref name=szeth group=fn>Killed by Szeth</ref>
* The King of Jah Keved<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* Two unnamed guards of the King of [[Jah Keved]]<ref name=szeth group=fn />
* [[Dalinar|Highprince Dalinar]]<ref name=dalinar group=fn />
* An unidentified [[Veden]]<ref name=kal group=fn />
*Shardblades are created by the [[Almighty]]
*Shardblades are related to [[Dawnblade|the Dawnblades]] held by the [[Heralds|the Heralds]].
== Other ==
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[[Category:Weapons]][[Category:Magic]][[Category:Stormlight Archive]]