Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rithmática»

223 bytes añadidos ,  hace 9 años
=== Line of Warding ===
The strength of a Line of Warding is determined by its evenness and its curvature. The steeper the curve, the stronger the line. This is a moot point in circles as their curvature is equal around its entirety. In ellipses however the strength is variable; peaking at its bindpoints and reaching its lowest point on the sides.{{ref|name=linestrengths}}
A larger Line of Warding is weaker, however, it takes more strength for chalklings/Lines of Vigor/Lines of Revocation to destroy 1/6 of a large circle than 1/6 of a smaller one; the strength of all circles is not the same.
=== Line of Forbiddance ===
