Diferencia entre revisiones de «Helaran Davar»

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(Created page with 'Helaran Davar is a character from Roshar. Helaran Davar, formerly known as Nan Helaran Davar, is Shallan Davar's brother and the eldest child of the Davar family. Of all …')
Helaran Davar is a character from [[Roshar]].
Helaran Davar, formerly known as Nan Helaran Davar, is [[Shallan Davar]]'s brother and the eldest child of the Davar family. Of all the Davar children, he knew the most about his father's secrets and plans and stood up to him the most. He vanished before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.
'''Nan Helaran Davar''' is a character from [[Roshar]].
Helaran, is a eldest brother of [[Shallan Davar]].
Of all the Davar children, he knew the most about his father's secrets and plans and stood up to him the most.
He vanished before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.
== Other ==
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