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|related=[[Realmatic Theory]]
'''Connection''' is a spiritual attribute that represents spiritual connections and relationships between different entities - living being, locations, items and so on. Like other spiritual attributes in the [[cosmere]] Connection is quantifiable and can affect or be affected by different [[Investiture|Invested arts]].
== The Nature of Connection ==
Connection uses [[spiritweb]]s, and connects them in the [[Spiritual Realm]]. Connection is thought to be part of the spiritual aspect of a being. Additionally, it is possible to alter connection through artificial means,{{msh ref|5|2}} though the particulars of how this is accomplished are unknown. Connection can be inherited.{{wob ref|11881}} People are generally Connected to certain locations, and can be Connected to more than one place at a time.{{wob ref|642}}  [[Cognitive Shadow]]s, and in certain instances [[Shard]]s, can get tied to an area or [[Shardworld]], due to their Connection to the location.{{wob ref|2688}}
== Uses of Connection ==
=== Accessing Investiture ===
Many methods of accessing [[Investiture]] have been observed throughout the [[cosmere]], but all share certain cardinal similarities; an established Connection or ability to create a Connection to a source of power and a way of directing that power.
=== Communication ===
Connection can be used in many ways to allow the user to speak the language of another person they are Connecting with. This can be done without the user learning any of the language beforehand. The ability has flaws though, as it will fill in local idioms and phrases on its own, but if the user is careless and focuses on a specific word or phrase the ability may fail and they will say the word verbatim in their own tongue{{wob ref|3759}} or it may be said in an odd way.{{wob ref|3583}} This includes slip-ups that confuse others,{{wob ref|8185}} such as saying coin{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} or bunny{{book ref|sa2|59}} on [[Roshar]]. Blanking [[Identity]] and tapping Connection can cause someone to gain an accent for a particular area.{{wob ref|2558}}
'''Hoid''': [[Hoid]] has access to some manifestation of Investiture that allows him to manipulate the Spiritual attribute of Connection. The full extent of this ability is unknown, but its primary known use is to help Hoid speak the various languages of the worlds of the cosmere that he visits. The ability allows him to Connect to whatever land he is in, temporarily altering his Spiritual aspect to believe that he was raised in that place, allowing him to speak as a native.{{wob ref|3759}}
=== Bonds ===
Bonds are Connections between entities in the cosmere that exist outside the [[Physical Realm]]. All bonds are basically the same, with the powers and functions depending on the holders of the bond.{{wob ref|3488}} Bonds are typically formed between entities with greater-than-normal Investiture and other entities, allowing them to gain enhancements. Forming a bond utilizes Connection and Identity in some manner. Lessening those attributes, such as by storing them in a metalmind, would affect the bond.{{wob ref|9407}}
'''The Nahel Bond''': The [[Nahel Bondbond]] is formed between sapient beings and certain types of intelligent [[Spren]]. It gives access to [[Surgebinding]], while granting the spren the ability to maintain their cognition in the Physical Realm. There are ten known forms the Nahel Bond can take, each giving access to two different Surges among the ten.
'''Singer Bond''': The singers can bond with a spren. Doing so grants the singer a form with a specific physical and mental change. Not all spren grant a unique form; most spren give the singers dullform. Without a spren, singers exist in what is known as slaveform ([[Parshmen]]).
'''Shardplate''': There is some manner of bond between Shardplate and its wearer, that will disappear if the owner of the Plate is to die.{{wob ref|6758}}
=== Other Uses ===
'''Lightweaving''': In order to [[Surgebinding#Illumination|Lightweave]] properly, a strong spiritual component requiring a certain measure of Connection and a full mental picture of the desired illusion is necessary.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}}
'''Selish Magic''': All magic on [[Sel]] (including [[AonDor]], [[Dakhor]], [[ChayShan]], [[Forgery]], and [[Bloodsealing]]) requires a Connection to certain lands to function properly. The magics will decrease in power the farther from the land the user is,{{wob ref|8617}} and will not normally work outside of Sel.{{wob ref|1473}}{{wob ref|6164}}
'''Ba-Ado-Mishram''': [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] is able to Connect with the vast majority of singers on Roshar and is able to grant them forms of power. This made them into Regals[[Regal]]s. She also provided them with [[Voidlight]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|80}}
'''Singers''': Singers are able to speak to rhythms.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} Rhythms represent a certain state of mind, the feelings of the singer using it. The rhythms Connect the singers,{{wob ref|9937}} and there is Connection between them and the songs of Roshar.{{wob ref|13451}}
'''Realms''': Connection can be used to exist in different realms.{{msh ref|6|6}}
'''Bondsmith powers''': After the death of Honor [[Bondsmiths]] can use their powers to affect Connection more directly. These expanded powers allow a skilled Bondsmith to see the Connections a person has when touching them.{{book ref|sa4|47}}
== Manipulating Connection ==
== Manipulating Connection ==
'''Feruchemical Duralumin''': In Feruchemy, Connection is stored in duralumin.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}} Storing Connection lessens others' trust in and awareness of the Feruchemist, while tapping Connection allows the Feruchemist to form trusting relationships quickly.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} Tapping the metalmind will allow the Feruchemist to form stronger Connections, possibly depending on what Connections were stored. It can allow Feruchemists to form trust relationships with others much faster, for example. Duralumin Feruchemy can also change one's Spiritual Connection to a planet, which can help [[worldhopper]]s with magic systems. If a Feruchemist were able [[Compounding|compound]] duralumin, they would be able to use duralumin to have a nearly infinite supply of Spiritual Connection.
'''Fabrials''': [[Fabrial]]s can be used to alter Connection, though how is currently unknown.{{wob ref|4822}}
'''Bondsmith powers''': After the death of Honor [[Bondsmiths]] can use their powers to affect Connection more directly. These expanded powers allow a skilled Bondsmith bind Surgebinders to the ground causing their Stormlight to be drained, or steal a Nahel bond.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
== Connection with Shards ==
== Connection with Shards ==
The closer the Connection between a human and a Shard, the more powerful the human becomes. How a person becomes Connected to a Shard varies between Shardworlds. It is assumed that the intent of the respective Shard influences these conditions. On [[Scadrial]] Connection to a Shard is determined by genetics. On Sel it will depend on a person's location and their Connection to the land, and on Roshar it has to do with a person's actions and how they live their life.{{wob ref|7256}}
Connection has an influence on who can or cannot Ascend as the holder of a certain Shard,{{msh ref|6|4}} and Connection to a Shard is required to Ascend. Improper Connection decreases the vessel's ability to control the powers and weakens the vessel's power.{{msh ref|6|4}} Connection to an opposing Shard makes it more difficult to maintain Ascension. Proper Ascension can happen either forged artificially or driven by a natural inclination towards the Shard's intent.{{msh ref|5|2}}
== NotesNotas ==
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