Diferencia entre revisiones de «Principado Sadeas»

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(Almost 100% sure a new ruler isn't mentioned in RoW. Might be wrong though.)
m (→‎Highprince: Not by name, but there is an off-hand reference to someone being appointed)
== Highprince ==
After the murder of Highprince [[Torol Sadeas]], the rulership of the Sadeas Princedomprincedom was given to [[Meridas Amaram]] by [[Ialai Sadeas]], as her nephew - the heir - was too young.{{book ref|sa3|26}} When [[MeridasAfter Amaram]]'s was killeddeath, [[Ialai Sadeas]] managedwas the de facto head of the princedom,{{book ref|sa3|120}}{{book ref|sa4|7}} fromthough the Shatteredprincedom Plainsitself untilis herunder deaththe sooncontrol afterof the [[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3sa4|12017}}{{bookmap ref|sa4|7Alethkar}} WithAfter Ialai's killeddeath andin noearly other ruler{{rosharan availabledate|1175}}, theQueen [[Jasnah Kholin]] appointed a distant scion of Torol Sadeas princedomas isthe currentlynew unmanagedhighprince.{{book ref|sa4|27}}
== History ==