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m ("Is there any connection between these things" is an almost notoriously vague question that gives Brandon a lot of room to get out of giving a meaningful answer (as in, he could go as far as meaning "they're all connected in some way since they're all in the cosmere" and still be truthful); especially since the questioner may have used "or" and we have a pretty good idea about the Chasm and the Pits and they aren't really similar, I don't think this is useful information)
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== Topography ==
{{image|WOKLB - Interior - Shattered Plains by Bryan Mark Taylor.jpg|side=right|width=350px|A view of the Shattered Plains}}
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The edge of the Plains consists of smaller plateaus with chasms ranging generally from 50 to 150 feet in depth. These westernmost plateaus can be bridged easily, and many permanent bridges have been constructed joining them together. Moving eastward, the Plains become much more varied in size and the chasms themselves can become much wider, making crossing from one to another much more challenging.{{book ref|sa1|12}} The eastern edge of the Shattered Plains is so weathered by storms that it consists mostly of spindly pillars of rock, making it impassable.{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|43}}
{{image|WOKLB - Interior - Shattered Plains by Bryan MarkIvan TaylorRoujev.jpgjpeg|side=rightleft|width=350px500px|A view of the Shattered Plains}}
On the eastern side of the explored portion of the Plains is a particularly large plateau known as "the Tower". The Tower is a favored location for [[chasmfiend]]s to pupate.{{book ref|sa1|24}}