Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sombra cognitiva»

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(Though possible, this is too speculative for the Coppermind. Do post it on the forums though!)
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After his death, Kelsier found the [[Well of Ascension]] in the Cognitive Realm and, with [[Leras]]' help, merged with it. As a result, he became infused with [[Preservation]]'s power and became a Cognitive Shadow, though, since the Well was created as a prison, he was unable to leave.{{msh ref|1|1}} After [[Vin]] released [[Ruin]] from the Well he was able to travel the Scadrian Cognitive Realm and influence the [[Physical Realm]], though he was unable to actually leave the Cognitve Realm because his "ties to the Physical Realm [had] been severed" by his death.{{msh ref|2|1}} With the help of a device made by the [[Ire]], he was able to hold the [[Shard]] of Preservation after Leras died, though, according to Ruin, he was made for a weaker [[Vessel]] than a normal person.{{msh ref|6|4}} Some time after the [[Catacendre]], Kelsier found a way to recreate his physical body and return to the Physical Realm.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
;The mist spirit
The mist spirit that Vin sees during [[The Well of Ascension]] is ''not'' a Cognitive Shadow. Depending on the scene, it was an actual manifestation of Preservation{{wob ref|1671}} or Ruin's imitation of that manifestation.{{msh ref|2|2}}
=== Nalthis ===
Shades are a unique kind of Cognitive Shadow found on [[Threnody]] that are able to interact with the Physical Realm. They are drawn by anyone moving quickly at night, lighting a fire, or drawing blood and their touch withers a person, which usually results in death.{{book ref|sfs}} Any person{{book ref|sfs}} or animal{{wob ref|7445}} killed by a Shade becomes a Shade. It is unknown how the first Shades were created, though, when [[Nazh]] first meets Kelsier, he is shocked that Kelsier managed to become a Cognitive Shadow and says it is "an important rite ... with requirements and traditions."{{msh ref|3|2}} Shades are repelled and can be harmed by silver, though it is unknown whether this applies to other kinds of Cognitive Shadows as well.{{wob ref|10879}} They also are not as self-aware as normal Cognitive Shadows.{{wob ref|2110}} If some other Cognitive Shadow traveled to Threnody, he or she would not become a Shade,{{wob ref|7444}} and if a Shade managed to leave Threnody, it would not be destroyed.{{wob ref|8543}} Differences between Shades and normal Cognitive Shadows are a result of the nature of the Investiture on Threnody and the lack of a Shard.{{wob ref|6891}}
== Trivia ==
* The mist spirit that Vin sees during [[The Well of Ascension]] is ''not'' a Cognitive Shadow. Depending on the scene, it was an actual manifestation of Preservation{{wob ref|1671}} or Ruin's imitation of that manifestation.{{msh ref|2|2}}
== Notes ==