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m (linked aonic)
m (Some tweaks, but everything looks good. Stuff in italics is still for the curses and phrases page)
{{gld|Aon|(A) Name for an ancient Aonic rune. The Aons formed a logographic alphabet used in Arelon and Teod until the development of a phonetic alphabet.}}
{{gld|AonDor|(A) Ancient form of magic practiced by the Elantrians. It}}
{{gld|Aonic| (A) 1) A language spoken in Arelon and Teod. It was originally based on the Aons. 2) A racial group that originated in Teod. People of Aonic descent are characterized by blonde hair and tall frames. Most people in Teod are pure Aonic, while those in Arelon have intermixed more with the eastern nations.}}
{{gld|Aredel River|(A) A river that runs from Lake Alonoe, beneath Elantris, through the city of Kae, and finally to the ocean.}}
{{gld|Arelene|(A) A person from Arelon.}}
;''DeluseDoo'': (D) A word that loosely translates as 'angered for being insulted.'{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
;''Dendo'': (D) A common name for a Duladen commoner, alias used by [[Galladon]]{{book ref|Elantris|52}}
:# A [[Deo Plantation|plantation]] in northwestern Arelon.
:# The basic coin in Arelon.}}
{{gld|Dereth|(F) The founder of Shu-Dereth. He believed that all mankind must someday be united under the leadership of one nation. (See also DeHwo.)}}
;{{gld|Derethi: |(F) The Adjective for Shu-Dereth. Usually refers to the Derethi religion.}}
{{gld|Diren|An Elantrian.}}
{{gld|Dilaf|(F) A young Derethi priest serving in Kae. He has a Fjordell name, but is of Aonic descent. He is short, passionate, and hates Elantris violently.}}
{{gld|Dion| (A) A young Elantrian}}
{{gld|Dionia|(A) Influenza.}}
;''Do'': (J) Book. <!-- It's the word "book" in general, not a specific one.-->
{{gld|Do| (J) Book.}}
{{gld|Do-Kando|(J) The holy book of Shu-Keseg. It was from this book that Dereth and Korath developed their separate beliefs.}}
;''DoMin'': (J) The [[JinDo]] word for Domi, or god.
{{gld|Hraggish| (F) An adjective to describe something or someone from Hraggen.}}
{{gld|Hrathen|(F) One of the most infamous Derethi Gyorns. Forty-two years old, Hrathen has been serving the Derethi church in one capacity or another since his childhood. In recent times, it is rumored that he was behind the collapse of the Duladen republic.}}
;''{{gld|Hroden'': |(F) 'Master' or 'Lord.' It is half of the two-part Derethi oath bond. (See also Odiv.)}}
{{gld|Hrovell|(F) A backwater country to the far southeast. Its people speak Fjordell with a harsh accent, and they have little knowledge of what is happening in the rest of the world. Hrovell claims Derethi as its state religion, but most people practice a jumbled combination of the Jeskeri Mysteries, Derethi, and shamanism.}}
{{gld|Hroven| (F) A word to describe someone or something from Hrovell.}}
;Kaa: (A)
:# The [[Aon]] for "plants."
:# A [[Kaa Plantation|plantation]] in southern Arelon, currently held by baron [[Shuden]].
{{gld|Kae|(A) The current capital of Arelon. Before the Reod, Kae was one of the four smaller cities that surrounded Elantris. It was populated by wealthy merchants and craftsmen who pandered to the Elantrians. After the Reod, Kae became King Iadon's seat of power. The other three cities were quickly depopulated—not only did Iadon need people to man the plantations, without Elantris's magic, the country was not able to provide food for so many people living in one place.}}
{{gld|Kahar|(A) An elderly Elantrian man.}}
{{gld|Kaise|(A) Kiin and Daora's daughter.}}
{{gld|Kalomo River|}}, the: (D) The river that marks the border between Arelon and Duladel.
{{gld|Kaloo| (D) A common Duladen name.}}
{{gld|Karata|(A) An Elantrian woman. One of the three gang leaders in Elantris, Karata holds the palace section of the city.}}
{{gld|OpeDal| (A) Sixth day of the week according to the Aonic calendar.}}
{{gld|Opelon|(A) The Aonic word for the continent containing Arelon, Fjorden, [[JinDo]], and all of the other nations except Teod. (See also Sycla.)}}
;''{{gld|Overspirit'': |(D) Another word for the Dor.}}
{{gld|Ragnat| (F) Rank in the Derethi priesthood directly below Gyorn. They usually oversee a region of Derethi worshipers.}}