Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tu Bayla»

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m (Undo revision 105319 by ShardOfPreservation (talk) Yanagawn does refer to 'Alethi tribes' while talking with Dalinar)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Tu Bayla''' is a nation on [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Roshar}}
[[Ru Parat]] and [[Fu Namir]] are cities in the region. It borders [[Jah Keved]] to the east, the [[Reshi Sea]] to the north, a mountain range to the south, and shares land borders with [[Yulay]] and [[Marabethia]] to the west, as well as forming the eastern coast of the [[Purelake]]. It seems to have at least one river that runs into the Purelake and another that runs into the Reshi Sea, and may also claim some of the Reshi isles close to its coast.{{map ref|Roshar}} It is formed from parts of the [[Silver Kingdoms]] of [[Sela Tales]] and [[Valhav]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}
It'sIts people are nomadic.{{book ref|sa3|42}} [[Tyn]] grew up there.{{book ref|sa2|24}} [[Urithiru]] lays in the mountain ranges to the south of Tu Bayla.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
When [[Yanagawn]] commented on the similarities between [[Gavilar]] and the [[Sunmaker]] he refers to the [[Alethi]] as being organisedorganized in tribes , and [[Dalinar]] retorts that the Alethi aren't the same as the nomads that live in Tu Bayla.{{book ref|sa3|42}} Before the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], the [[Urithiru]] coalition contemplate invading Tu Bayla to counter possible invasions into Jah Keved, which threatened to split the coalition's territory in two.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Notes ==