Diferencia entre revisiones de «Escuadrón Cielo»

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Skyward Flight originated as Cadet Flight B, one of three training flights organized from around twenty-five students who pass the DDF pilot's test when Spensa is seventeen years old.{{book ref|skyward|7}} The training flight includes students from various backgrounds, none of whom initially seem to recognize Spensa as the daughter of a disgraced DDF pilot, with the exception of her friend Rodge (Rig).{{book ref|skyward|8}} The instructor of their class is [[Cobb]], a former pilot who acted as a wingmate for Spensa's father.{{book ref|sky1|6}} Spensa learns that Cobb had effectively circumvented the leader of the DDF, Admiral [[Ironsides]], to get her into flight school.{{book ref|sky1|8}} Spensa immediately dislikes [[Jorgen]], a fellow cadet who comes from a wealthy and influential family; due to their divergent social backgrounds and opposing attitudes regarding DDF policies and hierarchy, she nicknames him "Jerkface".{{book ref|sky1|9}} She also nicknames their squadron "Skyward Flight",{{book ref|sky1|9}} a reference to her father's tendency to focus on the sky and the stars beyond.{{book ref|sky1|23}}{{book ref|sky1|prologue}}
The members of the team begin training on holographic simulators colloquially known as "mockpits".{{book ref|sky1|9}} Most of the cadets have no background as pilots.{{book ref|skyward|9}} After one day of training, Ironsides deploys the squad as decoys due to a shortage of available starfighters,{{book ref|sky1|10}} and they are unexpectedly attacked by a [[varvax|Krell]] ship.{{book ref|sky1|11}} The brief dogfight causes Rig to quit flight school, telling Spensa that it was not really his dream and that he is not suited for flight.{{book ref|skyward|13}} Meanwhile, Ironsides has made it clear that she is opposed to Spensa's presence in flight school and does not allow her access to any of the facilities, forcing Spensa to sleep in a cave every night and scavenge for her own food.{{book ref|skyward|13}}
Cobb delays practice with weapons to focus on ship control,{{book ref|skyward|13}} and the cadets steadily gain skill through both simulations and actual flights in their Pocos.{{book ref|sky1|23}} Cobb's methods are unusual among flight instructors, but the members of Skyward Flight later realize that he has made them more skilled than some pilots in other more experienced flights.{{book ref|sky1|46}}