Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elantris (libro)/glosario»

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(note a few other changes)
m (→‎V - Z: correct link to disambig; Note: the glossary entry now reads "Wyrn (title)" so that it links to the right spot since I don't think Template:gld let's you change the way a glossary entry appears)
{{gld|Widor|(F) The capital of Fjorden.}}
;Wulfden: (F) A common name for Fjordell Wyrns. Wulfden the First was the one who instigated Derethi as the state religion of Fjorden.
{{gld|Wyrn (tytle)|(F) Title of the Fjordell emperor. It is also a religious title, indicating the highest priest in the Derethi religion. His official title is 'Regent of all Creation,' referring to his state of rulership until Jaddeth rises to build his Empire.}}
{{gld|Wyrning| [[Fjorden]] gold currency{{book ref|Elantris|15}}{{book ref|Elantris|45}}}}