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(expand, needs a bit more polish)
|died={{book ref|sfs|2}}
|abilities={{tag+|Cognitive Shadow}}
|books=[[Shadows for Silence]]
{{for|Red|other characters whichnamed share the nameRed}}
'''Red Young''' is a bounty hunter from the [[Fortress Town|forts]] on [[Threnody]].{{book ref|sfs|2}}
==Appearance and Personality==
[[Theopolis]] sent him and his group of bounty hunters to follow [[Silence Montane]] and to take the corpse of [[Chesterton Divide]] from her after she killed him. To avoid a fight, Silence allowed them to do so, and then pursued them and set a trap with [[Silence's grandmother|her grandmother]]'s firestarter to get the corpse back.{{book ref|sfs}} The [[Shade]]s are drawn to the fire and kill all of the bounty hunters except Red, who then intercepts Silence and [[William Ann Montane]], and takes the latter hostage in exchange for the body of Chesterton Divide. Before he can leave, Theopolis shoots him in the shoulder with a padded crossbow bolt, causing his knife to draw blood from William Ann and draw the attention of the [[Shade]]s. As he attempts his escape, he shoves William Ann through a Shade, then runs and is killed by the Shades.{{book ref|sfs}}
Red wears fine clothing typical of fortfolk, including a hat, and he carries a knife and a cudgel.{{book ref|sfs|2}} He rides a horse while in the [[Forests of Hell]].{{book ref|sfs|2}} He seems to have a smug attitude, and [[Silence Montane]] mentions his fake-looking grin.{{book ref|sfs|2}}
Red mentioned that he had been tracking [[TheopolisChesterton Divide]] sentfor himfour months. He and and his group of seven other bounty hunters tofrom followthe forts pursued Silence and [[SilenceWilliam Ann Montane]] andwhile they were hunting Chesterton hoping to takecollect the corpsebounty ofon his head. A scout in Red's group named [[Chesterton DivideTobias]] fromfound herthe pair after shethey had killed himChesterton and his gang, and Red and his team soon approached them, armed for a fight. To avoid a fightconfrontation, Silence allowed themRed's gang to dotake sothe corpse, and assumed that [[Theopolis]] had tipped them off to her location. Silence then pursued them and set a trap with [[Silence's grandmother|her grandmother]]'s firestarter to get the corpse back.{{book ref|sfs}} The [[Shade]]s arewere drawn to the fire and killkilled all of the bounty hunters exceptand disfigured Red,. whoRed then interceptsintercepted Silence and [[William Ann Montane]], and takestook the latter hostage in exchange for the body of Chesterton Dividecorpse. Before heRed cancould leave, Theopolis shoots him in the shoulder with a padded crossbow bolt, causing his knife to draw blood from William Ann and draw the attention of the [[Shade]]s. As he attempts his escape, he shoves William Ann through a Shade, then runs and is killed by the Shades.{{book ref|sfs}}
== Notes ==