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|image = Doomslug.png
|aliases=Doomslug the destroyerDestroyer
|universe=[[Skyward Universe]]
| Doomslug mimicking [[Rig]] complaining about M-bot{{book ref|Skyward|42}}
'''Doomslug''' is a [[taynix]] that [[Spensa Nightshade]] found on [[Detritus]].{{book ref|Starsight|27}} Spensa nicknamed her Doomslug the Destroyer and adopted her as a mascot.{{book ref|Skyward|18}} She frequently accompanies [[Spensa]] on flights and is known to replicate nearly any sound she hears.{{book ref|Skyward|15}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Cytonics ===
As a taynix, Doomslug has the ability to travel at faster-than-light speeds by accessing the dimension of the [[delver]]s. Whenand doingcan do so, Doomslugwithout does not drawdrawing the attentiondelvers ofinto the delversuniverse.{{book ref|sky2|34}} It is unclear whether or not Doomslug has or could learn any other Cytonic powers.
=== Mimicry ===