Diferencia entre revisiones de «Silimática»

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;Disguisers Lenses: Allow the wearer to look like anything they want, but the lenses are visible within the disguise. They are tinted lavender.
;Educator's Lenses: When worn, time slows for the wearer.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} Unknown tint.
;Firebringer's Lenses: ThrowsWhen switched on, which only takes a linesmall amount of fire,concentration almostor likepower, athese laser,powerful atlenses gather the targetlight around them and shoot it out in concentrated beams. They are tinted clear with a smalldot redof dotred at the center of each lenslense.
;Frostbringer's Lenses: A Lens that is essentially the opposite of the Firebringers Lens, this Lens can direct a beam of frost at the target. This Lens is used by the Scrivener Bones.
;Harrier's Lenses: Magnify the pain of someone you focus on.{{wob ref|11355}} Their tint is unknown.
;Translator's Lenses (Lenses of Rashid): Forged from the [[Sands of Rashid]], which are incredibly rare. Let the wearer understand, read, and write in any language, code, or alphabet, including [[Quentin Smedry]]'s nonsense.{{book ref|a1|19}}{{book ref|a1|20}} Their tint is unknown.
;Traveler's Lenses: Pushes the occulator from one point to another, avoiding obstructions in between.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} Unknown tint.
;Transcriber's Lenses: Similar to Courier's Lenses, but the work with written communication instead of spoken comunication
;Truthfinders Lenses: Even rarer than Translators Lenses, these Lenses allow the wearer to discern truth from lies. When a person is telling the truth, their breath is seen as white fog. When they are lying, bugs/black critters spew from their mouths. The only known pairlense belongs to [[Alcatraz]] and used to belong to [[Allekatrase]] the First. They have no tint.
;Torturer's Lenses: Cause intense agony in the target and make the muscles begin to rip.{{book ref|a1|12}} Five seconds of use causes the target permanent harm.{{book ref|a1|13}} They are tinted green and black.
;Warrior's Lenses: Enhances the wearers physical abilities. This is one of the only lenses that a non-Oculator can use. They are tinted dark grey or black.
;Windstormer's Lenses: Create gusts of wind that blow away from the Oculator. Leavenworth uses them to create a bubble of calm winds around the wielder, but this is extremely difficult. The Lenses are tinted green.{{book ref|scrivener's bones|1}}
;Voidstormer's Lenses: These are the opposite of the Windstormer's Lenses; ie they suck things towards the user.
;Unknown Lenses:
Fitzroy is wearing a pair of green and orange stripped glasses when upon entering the Royal Archives (not a library).
== Notes ==