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'''Algernon Weight''' is a member of the [[National Assembly Leader]]ship (NAL) and the highforeman of [[Detritus]]’ largest intercavern shipping company. He is married to [[Jeshua Weight]], a First Citizen, and is [[Jorgen]]’s father. The family lives in the lower caverns of [[Igneous Cavern|Igneous]].{{book ref|sky1|8}}{{book ref|sky1|i|2}}{{book ref|sky1|i|3}}
Algernon is either currently, or has previously been, considered part of Detritus' military.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}} He knows some amount about military tactics, including Lanchester’s Law.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}} Algernon is an extremely influential member of the community and has achieved high merit for his accomplishments. As such he has access to high class and luxury technology, such as private fighter jets, of which the family owns three.{{book ref|sky1|8}}