Diferencia entre revisiones de «Palacio de Kholinar»

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(Adding the People's Hall section)
In actuality, the room is the Kholinar [[Oathgate]] chamber, and the entire dais is the Oathgate platform.{{book ref|sa3|86}}
==== People's Hall ====
The People's Hall is a separate building within the palace complex. It's a large, open-air structure sitting in the shadow of the palace. In contrast to other parts of the complex, it is open to the public, as it is from there that the reigning monarch can address the common people of the city. It also holds a dais with the '''Common Throne''', where the king or queen sits while making pronouncements. It is there that [[Pai]] chooses to write her denouncement of [[Aesudan Kholin]].{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}
== Palace Guard and Queen's Guard ==