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== Attributes and Abilities ==
Navani is a renowned artifabrian. She engineers the creation of fabrials that her team of artisan [[ardent]]s create through fabrial science. She leadled the research to develop the [[Grandbowgrandbow]]s.{{book ref|sa1|12}} She also had a hand in the construction of a new [[painrial]], and of it, she's particularly proud, though it's only an early model. She thinks it has a lot of potential.{{book ref|sa1|60}} Many of her inventions, such as the [[painrial]], are used in the war against the [[Parshendi]], making her incredibly valuable to the Alethi.
The more she understands the secrets of technology and the power of [[spren]] locked within the [[Polestonepolestone]]s, the closer she grows to finding what she seeks: things she can do to protect her family, like creating [[Shardplate]].{{book ref|sa2|35}}
Navani createscreated a platform with fabrial science that defies gravity. Her goal in so doing is to deliver one such to the Shattered Plains to elevate archers above the battlefield for a tactical advantage. Her position is patron to the [[Ardentia|ardents]] who make the diagrams and figures and engineer the fabrials.{{book ref|sa2|35}}
Navani and her crew of ardents makemade a breakthrough with Shardblades in realizing that the gemstones in the Blades - used to [[Nahel bond|bond]] them - might not have originally been part of the weapons. If true, it means the Blades aren't powered by the stones. [[Rushu]] had asked why a Shardblade can be summoned and dismissed even if its gemstone has gone dun. If true, artifabrians are back to knowing absolutely nothing about how Shardblades were crafted. It seems the gemstone's purpose is ''only'' used in initially bonding the Blade - something the [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] didn't need to do.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
After accepting Shallan within her fold, Navani decidesdecided to lead the research team studying the quotes with which Shallan hashad provided her from Jasnah's research regarding the [[Oathgate]], Knights Radiant, and [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|77}} Navani co-optsopted Dalinar's scribes and cartographers to locate the Oathgate, butleading heDalinar accusesto Shallanremark ofupon doingit soto Shallan. She, in turn, states that she was really just there when Navani changed her mind.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
During the Battle of Narak during the Weeping, Navani oversees the deployment of fabrials to allow the Alethi archers to join the battle. Light fabrials are set up to illuminate the battlefield while half-tents are raised to provide shelter from the rain for the archers.{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|82}} To combat the moisture in the air, she authorizes the use of a recently-developed fabrial called an attractor, that was designed to draw water out of the air;{{book ref|sa2|82}} Navani was half worried the device would suck the blood out of the archers' bodies.
Navani cannot set up fabrials remotely; she needs to be on-site. Her fabrials are needed to bathe the battlefield in an extraordinarily even white light. She causes pavilions to be erected to protect soldiers from the elements..{{book ref|sa2|81}}{{book ref|sa2|82}}
She tells Dalinar of new fabrial invention called an attractor. She remains half afraid that this contraption, filtered with a large glowing garnet suspended within a delicate wire lacework fabrial, will suck the blood out of anyone who touches it. The fabrial pulls moisture from the air, clearing the battlefield of some precipitation and making it possible for archers to better let their arrows fly into the Parshendi ranks, drawing their attention from the beleaguered men on the field.{{book ref|sa2|82}}
Once in Urithiru, Navani discovers a fabrial lift. She speaks of counterweights and conjoined gemstones, sounding awed by the technology of the ancients.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
