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;Plot Summary
Shallan explores the main tower of Urithiru, though she is tired. As she wanders, she finds a folded piece of paper marked with the Ghostblood symbol and her real name, which alarms her. She enters a nearby room where Mraize awaits her, and readies to draw Pattern just in case, acknowledging to herself that Pattern is not a typical blade. Mraize says that she gave herself away by using her abilities while saving the army, and suggests that Veil is her true identity, not Shallan. Mraize speculates on how people will see Shallan, and says that the Ghostbloods take care of their own including her. She saysangrily theydeclares that the Ghostbloods killed Jasnah, but heMraize calmly replies that sheJasnah hashad assassinated some of their members also, and that he should have guessed herShallan's identity sooner due to her family's history. Shallan says she won't help Mraize but he replies that he has her brothers. He also says that he is owed for the broken soulcaster and that she happens to be one. Shallan threatens to kill Mraize but he says that her brothers will be safe, and then he says that there are answers that she needs to learn about the Ghostbloods' purpose and what her brother and father were up to. He says that she can be both a Radiant and a Ghostblood in her different identities and that she can take time to consider if she wants to join the Ghostbloods.
She finds Adolin and they hug and banter for a bit. Adolin leaves after saying that Pattern chose her quarters for her. She looks at the wall which resembles the room at her father's home and Pattern says it is time for her to be a Radiant. She sees an illusion of a room with a white carpet and two corpses on the floor, and a painting outlined with a glow with something hidden behind it. Behind the painting, a strongbox is hidden and she opens it and takes out a shardblade that was originally Pattern. Shallan looks at the corpses of her mother and her mother's friend and talks about how her mother tried to kill Shallan when she learned what Shallan could do. Shallan speaks of how her father took the blame for Shallan killing her own mother in self-defense and how it destroyed their family and that Pattern says that Shallan will get revenge and kill Pattern. Shallan says she doesn't want revenge, she wants her family.