Diferencia entre revisiones de «Torol Sadeas»

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m (nApologies to British spelli)
After the [[Battle of the Tower]], Sadeas was shown shortly after obtaining Dalinar's Shardblade, Oathbringer, having it stuck into a table point first and staring at it in awe. Ialai came into the room and complained about the table. Afterwards he tells her of how he intends to force the Alethi soldiers back into a full-out war, instead of a prolonged game of chasing down gemhearts and begins plotting with her, instructing her to send more spies into Dalinar's warcamp as well as preparing for any steps which may be required, including assassinating him.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
After a failed plateau assault on the Shattered Plains, Adolin is spoke to [[Jakamav]] about his attempts at winning Shardblades and Shardplate through duels and his frustration at how no-one will rise to his challenge. Jakamav tells him that Sadeas has been making offers and promises to shardbearers in return for them turning down his challenges in order to stop his father's plans, and suggests [[Eranniv]] as one who might be more interested in fame than Sadeas' offers.{{book ref|sa2|26}}
Sadeas began to undermine both Dalinar and Elhokar by using his swift bridge crews to go on plateau runs when it is not his turn in the rotation, arriving before the scheduled parties and then triumphantly throwing the harvested gemheart at their feet, before leaving.{{book ref|sa2|29}} This later develops to him simply pretending the gemheart had been lost, but secretly keeping it in order to further push the throne's authority.{{book ref|sa2|49}}
Sadeas was present at the duel between Adolin and Eranniv with his wife. He spent the duration speaking with his wife about their plots and about Dalinar's attempts to unite the Highprinces.{{book ref|sa2|29}}
Sadeas was later at the same winehouse that Adolin and [[Shallan]] visit together. Whilst waiting out the [[highstorm]] in the safety of the [[lighteyes]]' bunker, Sadeas approached Adolin and began goading him about the Battle of the Tower and how he intends to do away with both Elhokar and Adolin. Sadeas was wearing uncut gems along his clothes, from a gemheart he had won earlier on the Shattered Plains but which he had claimed to have lost.{{book ref|sa2|50}}
After Adolin's duel with the four Shardbearers was won, Sadeas was forced to accept his boon of a challenge. However due to Kaladin interrupting, Adolin only gets to seek a challenge and not to pin down the time. As such, Sadeas took the liberty of accepting to duel the young man a year after the date. He put on an air of control and mirth after this, but in secret was terrified to see that Adolin is becoming another Blackthorn, like his father.{{book ref|sa2|58}}
On the last day before the [[Weeping]], Sadeas and his wife were taking a ride, supposedly for pleasure but in fact to assuage the extent of Sebarial's warcamp's industry. He spoke with his wife about Dalinar and Elhokar. Ialai believed they should seize the opportunity to attempt a coup on the [[Pinnacle]], but Sadeas mentions it won't be necessary, and also points out the failure of their last assassin. After Highprince [[Aladar]] joins with Dalinar's forces, Sadeas was stunned, and thinks on the events for a long time, before ultimately deciding that it does not matter, as they will all die on the Shattered Plains and that they must set about deciding who will take their places as Highprinces.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
=== Death and Aftermath ===
