Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

sin resumen de edición
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rysn]] (point of view)
*[[Ral-na|The King]]
*[[Chiri-Chiri|The larkin]]
Rysn is traveling with Vstim to the [[Reshi]] isles to do trading, but Vstim is very sick. Gu, the flotilla's guide, takes them there, guiding them since the islands move. Rysn is quite shocked and amazed when she realizes that the moving islands are huge great shells. The group lands on one of the islands, and Vstim tells Rysn that she must go and trade with the Reshi, as he is too ill to do so. He tells her to be bold, and although Rysn is nervous, she agrees to do so. Kyrlm and Nlent, two of the guards, accompany her as she ascends the island. While Rysn is observing the island, she sees Axies hanging upside down. They talk for a bit, and then Rysn and the guards continue their way up the island.
They make it to the king, [[Ral-na]], and as Rysn approaches to speak with him, Talik, a Reshi trader, comes forward to speak on his behalf. Talik is disappointed that Vstim himself did not come to trade, and initially turns her away. Rysn is insistent in her trade, wishing to prove herself to Vstim, and the king eventually relents so that Rysn is speaking to the king, and not to Talik. The Reshi are opposed to trading with Rysn since they do not yet respect her and do not know if they can trust her. The king eventually dismisses Rysn, telling her that she did very well.
Rysn, worrying that Vstim is dying, instead insists on talking to the greatshell that is the island, [[Relu-na]]. She slides down the side of the head on a rope and begins to talk with it, pleading her case. Talik attempts to bring her back on top of the island, but Relu-na takes a bite of the fruit at the bottom of the rope and breaks it, causing Rysn to fall. As she crashes into the water, Relu-na cushioned her fall, and Rysn fell unconscious.
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Jaxlim|Eshonai's Mother]]
*[[NightbloodGavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[SylphrenaDalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*The [[Stormfather]]
*The [[Stormfather]]
*[[JezrienDalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[BilaVenli]] (mentioned only)
*[[BoriarDemid]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zahel]] (point of view)
*[[Nightblood]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
*[[Elhokar Kholin]]
*[[IsharWit]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kalak]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vedel]] (mentioned only)
*[[WitJezrien]] (mentioned only)
*[[JasnahIshar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
Shallan wonders why Adolin doesn't surrender since he is outmatched, and berates herself for not seeing the loophole and failing her betrothed. She briefly considers jumping into the arena but discards that idea. She tells Pattern to try to distract Abrobadar to help out Renarin. She watches as Kaladin joins the fight.
Kaladin tells Sylphrena that this better end differently than when he saved Amaram, and Sylphrena says that it will. Relis ignores Kaladin and pays the price as he gets stabbed in a crack in his armor. Kaladin guards Adolin's back and says that Adolin will need to break their foes' Shardplate for him. Adolin says for Kaladin to distract one foe and to watch out for Renarin while he fights the other two and Kaladin agrees. Kaladin draws Relis' attention while Adolin fights Elit and Jakamav. Relis fights Kaladin for a short time but then goes back to fight Adolin who is skillfully dueling his two foes, so Kaladin uses a Lashing-enhanced kick to knock Relis down, breaking his own legs in the process, though he is able to heal them. Kaladin sees that he cracked some of Relis' shards. Adolin's own armor is mostly cracked but he gets a strong blow at Elit and cracks his chestplate, slowing Elit greatly. Kaladin sees Abrobadar waving his blade at the ground and Sylphrena exclaims about something mysterious and flies over toward Renarin. Kaladin uses his broken spear to strike Elit in his exposed armor and forces him to yield. The remaining three opponents gather to battle Adolin, leaving Renarin alone to sit in the sand. Kaladin asks fordemands Elit's helm and is given it; andhe puts it on his hand as an armored glove, and arms himself with a knife to help Adolin. Kaladin tricks Relis into backing away then he goes to help Adolin. Relis and Jakamav both try to attack Kaladin with Sylphrena circling around him, and he dodges their Shardblades or blocks them with the helm until he runs out of Stormlight, realizing the helm drained it from him. Kaladin is backed against a wall, but Adolin appears and grapples Jakamav to the ground. Kaladin sees that Abrobadar was just defeated. Relis who is, the last man standing, rushes toward Renarin and Kaladin follows, yelling at Renarin to yield but he only dismisses his blade and does nothing. Relis raises his blade toward Renarin but endsis upreluctant swingingto itkill him; when Kaladin drwas close, Relis turns to swing at Kaladin. In desperation, Kaladin successfulysuccessfully performs a lastclap, catching the blade. He hears a scream that sounds like Sylphrena; Relis too hears the scream and drops the blade, fleeing the arena and forfeiting the duel. Jakamav yells at Adolin to fight him as he is held down and Kaladin walks up to him with his knife and places it by a crack in his armor and tells him to yield or else. Jakamav yields and Adolin is declared victor. Adolin laughs joyously at the spoils he won and asks Kaladin to help him remove his drained armor.
Elhokar announces how impressed he is by Adolin and offers him a boon. Kaladin notices Sadeas trying to leave the arena, but before he does, Adolin demands the right to duel Sadeas there and then. Kaladin also demands a boon to challenge Amaram there and then for the crimes of murder and obstruction of justice, causing Amaram to cower, Adolin to groan and the crowd to silence. Elhokar orders Kaladin to be arrested.
*[[Lift]] (point of view)
*[[Ashno]] of Sages (mentioned only)
*The [[NightwatcherPandri]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
*[[KaladinJezrien]] (mentioned only)
*[[Szeth]] (point of view)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Timbre|A spren]]
*[[Jaxlim|Eshonai's Mother]]
*[[Bila]] (mentioned only)
:''Ishashes 1173''
Eshonai tries to shoo away her new bondeda spren but fails. She attunes her old rhythms as the new ones that she was listening to which had voices that gave advice tended to make other people nervous. She meets the others of the ruling council, with her sister Venli having taken stormform as well. Eshonai tells them that they need to transform more of their people to be ready for the Alethi push toward Narak, so they can summon a highstorm to use as a weapon. Eshonai tunes out the voice within that is screaming and attunes joy and tells how awesome she feels. Zuln dissents from Eshonai's proposal, saying it is not right. The meeting breaks up and Venli and Eshonai discuss their options for getting consensus on their plan and Venli says that she knew what the stormform would do to Eshonai, angering her sister. Eshonai asks how Venli knew but she doesn't answer. Eshonai addresses a crowd and tells them that the Five want to forbid the new form but that she will allow anyone who wishes to join her in a highstorm to transform, then she generates a miniature storm for them to see as a demonstration of her new ability, impressing the onlookers. She then asks for volunteers from her soldiers for the new form and is happy that almost no one refuses her. She then tells the soldiers that she wants to transform all the civilians also, and has them go through the city get volunteers and segregate anyone who refuses the transformation. Venli says that those unwilling to transform must be killed and Eshonai says that will happen after her soldiers all take stormform. Abronai refuses the transformation and is grouped with the dissenters, along with Zuln. Thude confronts Eshonai on her changes in behavior and attitude but she defends her actions as necessary to their people's survival. Eshonai sends Thude to guard the dissenters, which include her own mother. As she prepares to speak to her entire people, Varanis tells her that the dissenters escaped, helped by Thude, but Eshonai says not to pursue them since they will not survive the next highstorm anyway. Venli confronts Eshonai, who threatens to kill her sister but doesn't since she needs Venli for the [[stormspren]]. Eshonai lets Venli go and addresses the Parshendilisteners as she planned.
==Part Four: The Approach==
*[[Lhan]] (point of view)
*[[Aesudan Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[ElhokarHonor]] (mentioned only)
*[[GavilarElhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Oolelen]] (mentioned only)
*[[KaladinGavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Eshonai]] (point of view)
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Taravangian]] (point of view)
*[[Boriar]] (mentioned only)
*The [[DalinarNightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dova]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jasnah]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Moelach]] (mentioned only)
*[[Fabrisan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Nergaoul]] (mentioned only)
*The [[NightwatcherDalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[PailiahJasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Honor]] (mentioned only)
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
*[[ShallanBoriar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar reaches the roof of the central tower. He looks down upon the city, seeing the circular rings that comprise the tower, and pillars that match one in the capital of Alethkar where the palace and temple were built. Dalinar then looks up and questions the actions of the Stormfather that almost led to their destruction. The Stormfather explains his purpose and that he is like a spren to the Almighty. Dalinar recitesswears the firstFirst oathand ofSecond theIdeals Knights Radiant andof the OathOrder of Bondsmiths, and the Stormfather reluctantly bonds him, tellingthough himhe toinsists getupon Dalinar getting rid of his Shardblade and refuses to be summoned as one. The Stormfather says that he sent no vision that morning and forstates that Dalinars experience was a simple dream, which confuses Dalinar, as he felt it was even stronger than a vision. The Stormfather bids Dalinar to go and lead his people against Odium, warning that he is leading them to failuredestruction as opposingDalinar Odiumis wouldnothing compared to the Almighty. Dalinar retorts that if the Almighty could be futilekilled, then so can Odium. Dalinar leaves the tower top and goes to another room near the top where Shallan and Kaladin await. Dalinar takes out a sphere and draws Stormlight into himself in response to Kaladin's inquiry, and feels his injuries heal.
Dalinar explains that he is a Bondsmith and Shallan says there are three knights but is corrected by Renarin, who walks in and reveals himself to be a Truthwatcher. Dalinar explains that the Parshmen are all being changed by the Everstorm and that they must prepare. Kaladin says he has to go home to warn his parents, leaves with Dalinar's blessing to pack for the journey. Dalinar sends Renarin to Elhokar (who has arrived with the Herdazians with whom he was hiding) to acquire spheres for Kaladin; he muses that now Renarin is a Radiant, he should stop sending him on menial errands. Dalinar and Shallan, now alone, speak of the tasks facing them to save as many people as possible, reciting theirthe First oathsIdeal again.
== {{anchor|Epilogue}}Epilogue: Art and Expectation ==
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