Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

[[Dallet]], a sergeant, picks Cenn up and returns him to the squad. They are soon joined by Kaladin, who asks Dallet to take care of Cenn during the battle as he won't know the group's signals. They then fall to discussing tactics.
The opposing force arrives and the battle begins. Kaladin's squad does not lose a single man. At one point, Kaladin singlehandedly fights off six enemy spearmen to save Cenn. When an enemy [[Brightlord]] appears, Kaladin and his squad attempt to defeat him. They are hindered, however, by the arrival of an enemy [[Shardbearer]]. Cenn isblacks killedout byfrom blood loss, and the scene cuts out.
*[[bws: annotation-the-way-of-kings-chapter-1/|Chapter 1 Annotation]]
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