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It is a well-known legend within [[Vorin]] society that if a man wins a [[Shardblade]] on the battlefield, he will become a lighteyes, regardless of his previous station in life.{{book ref|sa1|16}} This would also be accompanied by a promotion to the fourth dahn for the Shardbearer. This legend, though a foundation of Vorin society, went untested for centuries, until [[Kaladin Stormblessed]] won a full set of [[Shardbearer|Shards]] and gifted them to his lieutenant, [[Moash]]. After bonding the shards, Moash's eyes lightened from a dark brown to a light tan.{{book ref|sa2|68}} It is unknown if this effect is permanent or only temporary while the holder is in possession of his Shards.
A second and even rarer method of becoming a lighteyes is to become either a [[Surgebinder]] or [[Knight Radiant]]. According to [[Skar]], [[Kaladin]]'s eyes changed while fighting to save [[Dalinar]] during the [[Battle of the Tower]], although it was only for a short moment, as other men still recognize him as a darkeyes during the fight.{{book ref|sa2|2}} During this battle, Kaladin only said up to the Second Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]] and did not recognize himself as a Knight Radiant. Later, during the [[Battle of Narak]], after Kaladin says the Third Ideal of the Immortal Words and recognizes himself as a true Knight Radiant, his eyes turn pale blue, lighter than any king.{{book ref|sa2|87}} KaladinA saysKnight that hisRadiant's eyes changewill backrapidly afterlighten awhen fewthey hourssummon withouttheir summoningShardblade his-- Shardbladeonce their blade is dismissed, buttheir thateyes summoningwill itfade againback turnsto themtheir lightnatural againcolor within a few hours.{{book ref|sa3|5}}
== Origins ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
