Diferencia entre revisiones de «Meridas Amaram»

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Several weeks later, following the [[Battle of Narak]] at the center of the Shattered Plains and the arrival of the [[Everstorm]], Amaram went to Dalinar's warcamp in a carriage to retrieve Taln.{{book ref|sa2|88}} As he traveled, he wrote a letter to [[Restares]] informing him of the recent events; that the Voidbringers had returned, which he believed would prompt the Heralds to do the same. He arrived at monastery building where Taln was housed, cutting into his cell through the side of the building with his Blade. As he helped the man from the building, [[Iyatil]], an agent of the [[Ghostbloods]], attempted to assassinate Amaram with a blowgun. This attack triggered some of Taln's reflexes and he managed to catch both darts in midair. With her assassination attempt failed, Iyatil fled before Amaram could apprehend her and Taln fell back into his stupor. Amaram then put Taln into the coach and left the warcamps for Urithiru.
=== ElevationTrip to HighprinceUrithiru and SubmissionElevation to OdiumHigh Prince ===
Amaram traveled over the Shattered Plains towards the Oathgate at Narak, so that he could travel to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa2|88}} During his trip over the Plains, Amaram and his attendants were caught out in an Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|22}} It is likely that it was during this storm or perhaps another that Odium appeared to Amaram in a vision. Odium showed Amaram the truth of the [[Herald]]s' madness, proving to him that
Afterward Amaram arrived clandestinely at the Oathgate, let through the portal to Urithiru by Shallan, along with a caravan and a scavenging crew.{{book ref|sa3|22}} After arriving at the tower city, Amaram remained anonymous until he made himself known to Ialai Sadeas alone. After his arrival Amaram recuperated for a time in hiding. Ialai chose to appoint him as the lead investigator in Torol Sadeas's murder, requesting that Adolin report everything from his investigation to Amaram.
After the murder of Sadeas, [[Ialai]] names Amaram the heir of House Sadeas. This further perpetuates the tension between him and the Kholin family, notably [[Adolin]] and [[Jasnah]]. Soon after, Amaram receives [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], which he inherited from Sadeas. Amaram and most of his troops are suspicious of Dalinar regarding Sadeas' death. Dalinar later sends the troops of House Sadeas to help rebuild and reinforce [[Thaylen City]]. Amaram is unhappy with this, wishing to be on the front lines in the battle against the parshmen. Amaram's frustration with Dalinar, and with himself eventually leads to him submitting to [[Odium]], and turning against Dalinar and Thaylen City.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
