Diferencia entre revisiones de «Guardia del Rey»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
The '''King's Guard''' is an elite guard for the king of [[Alethkar]].{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} They are a Divisiondivision of the [[Cobalt Guard]] Ofof the [[Kholinar|Kholin Princedomprincedom]].{{cite}}
== Pre-Tower ==
Prior to the [[Battle of the Tower]], the King's guardGuard was composed of Lighteyes[[lighteyes]] loyal to the [[Kholin]] family and administered by. [[Dalinar|Dalinar kholinKholin]]. [[Dalinar]]administered the guard and was directly in charge of securing the kingsking's safety. andHe insuredensured that the members of the King's Guard were very loyal to him.{{cite}}
== Post-Tower ==
After the betrayal by [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], [[Dalinar]]'s officers were decimated and; as [[Bridge Four]] proved themselves both loyal and capable, they were eventually given Stewardshipstewardship of the King's Guard. [[Dalinar]] eventually reassigned the original members of the kingKing's guard to other positionsGuard to fill theother positions that [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]'s betrayal madecreated in the structure of the [[Kholin]] army.{{cite}}
== Post Battle of Narak ==
After the [[Battle of Narak]], [[Bridge Four]] along with the [[Kholin]] army Tooktook up residence in [[Urithiru]]. Having discovered that Bridge Four were now all [[Windrunner]] squires[[squire]]s, [[Dalinar]] released them from duty. [[Dalinar]] most likely reassigned new members to the kingsKing's guardGuard at this time; how everhowever, those positions mostwere likely weretemporary not long lasting as soonsince [[Elhokar]] soon traveled with [[Kaladin]] to [[Kholinar]]. {{cite}}
== Current Status ==
DissolvedThe thoughKing's Guard is presumed to be dissolved, but possibly reformed into a Queen's Guard following [[Jasnah]] taking the throne of [[Alethkar]].{{cite}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
