Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Above the final void I hang, friends behind, friends before. The feast I must drink clings to their faces, and the words I must speak spark in my mind. The old oaths will be spoken anew.}}
Kaladin and Teft are in the Bridge Four barracks while Rock runs drills outside and Lopen stands watch at the entrance. Kaladin tries to draw light from an infused sphere but fails, and wonders if he really is a Surgebinder and potential Knight Radiant as Teft insists he is. Teft lectures Kaladin on the First Oath, and speaks of The Way of Kings which his mother had read, and which the Radiants based their Ideals on.
Brightness Hashal appears, stating that Bridge Four would be on full-time bridge run duty during the day, and chasm duty at night, and that they should feel honored by this, though Kaladin realizes it is a death sentence for his men. After Hashal leaves, Kaladin and the others debate their options, and Kaladin accidentally breathes in stormlight and starts glowing faintly.
Kaladin gathers his crew in the chasm for their shift and they start spear practice, but are still not skilled enough. Teft leads the drill as Kaladin and Syl investigate some Parshendi corpses. Kaladin cuts off some Parhsendi carapace, and has Lopen gather some Parshendi bones, and Kaladin collects all of these items into a sack. They proceed to a shallow chasm where Lopen had dropped some rope on a prior bridge run. Kaladin speaks the First Ideal of the Knights Radiant and breathes in stormlight from his pouch of spheres, then uses it to create a makeshift ladder of stones to climb up the chasm wall and tie the sack to the bottom of a bridge for later retrieval. He then trusts Syl who tells him to cut the rope he was hanging from, causing him to fall forty feet and consuming all his stormlight in healing his injuries. He tells Lopen to retrieve the sack during their next bridge run.
{{anchor|Chapter 60}}
