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|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]]
The '''burnlands''' were an area of totally barren desert that covered the majority of [[Scadrial]] during the time of the [[Final Empire]], with the notable exceptions of the magnetic north pole, and possibly part of the [[Southern Peoples of Scadrial|southern continent]] as well.{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=76|link=annotation-mistborn-3-chapter-seventy-six}}
== History ==
=== Final Empire ===
During the time of the Final Empire, the burnlands completely encircled the empire;{{qa ref|1012|9|The burnlands are the area surrounding the Final Empire area|date=Sep, 2012}} bordering the [[Remote Dominance]], [[Eastern Dominance]], [[Crescent Dominance]], [[Terris Dominance]], [[Farmost Dominance]] and the [[Southern Islands]].{{map ref|Final Empire|the Final Empire}} During [[Clubs]]'s time as a soldier, he fought in skirmishes with rebels in the burnlands.{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=23|link=annotation-mistborn-3-chapter-twenty-three}} In the same area, a rebel named [[Vershad]] pulled scams on the Final Empire, but was caught and turned into the [[koloss]] later known as Human.{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=37-2|link=annotation-mistborn-3-chapter-thirty-seven-part-2}} After the [[Collapse]], [[Sazed]] went to the Eastern Dominace to teach the people who were living near the burnlands.{{book ref|mb2|23}} During the [[Final Ascension]], [[Harmony]] returned Scadrial to its correct orbit and restored life to the burnlands.{{book ref|hoa|82}}
== Way of Life ==
Oftentimes, groups of people fled to the burnlands because they were far from the reach of the Lord Ruler and the Final Empire, and so were mostly autonomous.{{qa ref|977|153}} Bandit kings and robber-barons lived in semi-nomadic kingdoms and clans, striking inward at the empire, such as the Eastern Dominance, to capture food, supplies,{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=37-2|link=?}} and rare metals.{{book ref|mag}} These bandits were actually the cause of a few successful uprisings.{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=23|link=?}} These bandits were often conflict with the [[Inquisitor]]s of the [[Steel Ministry]], as well as soldiers, which made the Final Empire to brand most of the people in the area as rebels.{{book ref|mag}} The people in the burnlands, often referred to as the '''wasted men''',{{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=37-2|link=?}} also had to deal with uncontrolled koloss who could survive surprisingly well in the burnlands.{{qa ref|1012|9}}
Living in the burnlands was a hard way of life. In order to survive, the inhabitants of the burnlands developed some technologies not found throughout the rest of the Final Empire.{{qa ref|1012|9}} They were capable of doing this because they were also far enough away from the Lord Ruler that he could not oppress new technology growth as he typically did.{{epigraph ref|mb3|28}}
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