Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El camino de los reyes»

As the night passes on and it becomes apparent that the townsfolk are no longer really listening to Took's stories, Took and Szeth leave. However, on the way out of town, Took is killed by a group of thugs, who consider selling Szeth to the slavers. Then one of them picks up Szeth's [[Oathstone]], and he informs them of his obligation to serve them as long as they hold it. When asked for clarification, Szeth tells him that he must obey any order except to kill himself, and thinks to himself that he can't be asked to give up his Shardblade either, but the man need not know that. The man muses for a moment on the possibilities he has with such a servant.
== PartSegunda Twoparte: TheLas Illuminatingtormentas Stormsiluminadoras ==
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
18 977
